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Post-war reconstruction and from now on

Japan has gone through high economic growth, the bubble economy, its collapse, and a long-lasting economic slump in the 70 years after World Ⅱ ended. On the other hand, it has been 30 years since the civil war ended in Cambodia in 1990. In the 30 years, buildings have been built one after another and the average income has been growing. It could be called a babble economy. The babble economy in Japan began 30 years after the end of World War Ⅱ, so it would be natural that Cambodia’s economy has been growing so far.
However, Cambodia’s economic growth might still not be unsatisfying, compared to the babble economy Japan had.
There would be some reasons, and the reasons would be clearer when we take a look at the histories of each country.
For example, although Japan lost in World War Ⅱ, the opponent in World War Ⅱ was United Nations, and Japan was able to reconstruct with them.
However, Cambodia had a civil war, in which Cambodian people killed Cambodian people, so it would have been very hard for them to trust each other even after the war ended. Furthermore, Japanese people were educated not to want anything until the victory and not to be afraid of attacking and death if the mainland decisive battle happened in World War Ⅱ. In that way, they were tightly united to the country, which made it possible for them to reconstruct the country together.
On the other hand, in the civil war in Cambodia, intellectual people like doctors and teachers were killed first of all, and others were forced to work, which was monitored by the children who were a part of the Khmer Rouge. It must have been very difficult for those who had doubts about each other to restore the country together.
It is a great thing that Cambodia has developed this much from such a situation.
However, the development of Cambodia is still at the start line and the important thing is how Cambodia is going to make it. Japan had collapsed into a bubble economy and a long-lasting economic slump. I do not want Cambodia to go through the same way.
Cambodia and Japan are in similar circumstances compared to other countries. Therefore, we would be able to cooperate closely in various ways, and there would be a lot of things Japan, which keeps ahead of Cambodia, could teach Cambodia.
In Japan, we were educated not to forget the war. My grandmother would tell me about the war, too. On the other hand, people in Cambodia try not to mention the civil war. However, to develop the country more, there might need a drastic remedy. Not to repeat the same mistakes, we have to learn from the past mistakes and should face history. There would not be just one answer to it, but I would like Cambodia to learn from Japan’s history and hope we could be good rivals to each other in the future.
